Our young people with disabilities

 Numbered 203, our young adults with disabilities are the heart of our action and our lives. They are affected by mental disability, physical disability, polyhandicap, or degenerative diseases.


They are welcomed in our Home of Tenderness according to different modalities adapted to their needs and those of their families.


Young and old people


Why do we call them young people? When Anta Akhi was created more than 30 years ago, the first people welcomed were in their twenties ... Calling them "young people" was obvious! Today, some of our young people have gray hair ... but youth is more like a state of mind, right?


"Assuming the handicap is not easy, but the Anta Akhi team has supported us well over time, things have become simpler: no mom wants the handicap, but once we take charge of  it, we overcome difficulties more easily.


 I continue to thank the Lord for all that Michael has given us. I am very proud of my son! His brothers too! "


 ..Mother of Michael, with BMI and Little Syndrome


Our permanent or semi-permanent young people

27 young people live daily in community in our home of tenderness. Their families welcome them home one weekend a month and visit them at home:


Aida, Samo, Tony, Marcelle, Ghassan, Elie S., Pierre, Carole, Joe, Michael, Joseph, Marianne, Nicolas, Elie K., Melanie, Elias B, Christopher, Mansour, Marie, Lara, Adla, Labibe, Paul, Elias S., Fady Beainy, Stephanie T., Elie Chahoud


Our young people in day care

These 18 young people come to our home on weekdays, participate in our activities and thrive together :


Charbel, Fady B., Joe, Anthony, Marcelino, Jocelyne, Joumana, Joanna, Fady O., Elie B. Khoury, Joy, Rita k., Elie Chahoud, Elie Chal, Rita R., Lucianna, Keven.


"I am very happy at Anta Akhi, we do beautiful things, we live together like brothers and sisters, we are a family here, I feel that I am good here, that I am relaxed, I enjoy group life There are lots of things that interest me, make me feel good, I feel like I belong to the community, I love when visitors come here, especially schools, we share time with students, we play games, time passes very quickly, they bring joy."


Our young people during weekends (day/ or day and night rotation)

Home for the blossoming

13 young people come to the "Home of Tenderness" to participate in the developmental activities that we organize and to discover the joy of community life:


Rita Khalil, Suzanne, Charbel S., Dalia Haddad, Elie Tawk, Elie Abou Akar, Elias Chamoun, Charbel Azzi, Antonio, Hany Daou, Vanessa Saade, Mikeal Rahal, Alaa

Home for the training

19 young people receive existential training to help them grow humanly and answer the questions they may legitimately ask about the meaning of their lives :

 Claire, Mirna, Angela, Mia, Maya, Orestas, Kevin, Roy, Elvis, Ghady, Elie H., Raphael, Jane, Wafic, Joe, Gabreille, Bernadette, Elissa.

19 young people receive existential training to help them grow humanly and answer the questions they may legitimately ask about the meaning of their lives :

 Claire, Mirna, Angela, Mia, Maya, Orestas, Kevin, Roy, Elvis, Ghady, Elie H., Raphael, Jane, Wafic, Joe, Gabreille, Bernadette, Elissa.

Our young people at home

young people, 3 of whom are severely handicapped, are visited in their families and supported by Anta Akhi, especially at the medical level :


Fady Rechdan, Tarek, Andre Yaacoub

Our young people trained outside Anta Akhi

We also train 123 young people and children with disabilities outside of Anta Akhi, through a daytime program.

Alongside our young adult with disabilities... families to support.

We work with parents and siblings to help them live with their children with disabilities and to help them with their care.  We are particularly at their side if the family is going through a difficult period (death, illness), and we can ensure a complete reception of their child for the time necessary. We are present on a daily basis to answer their questions, and we visit each family on major celebrations to share our joy.

In a real cooperation, the parents commit themselves to help us by coming to lend us a hand in different actions, throughout the year.